Thursday, October 15, 2009

Girlfriend #2

Can you be that other woman? Can you be the one that doesn't fuss, doesn't fight, doesn't argue? I believe that you should set your own rules, standards, path in life. By no means should you allow society/peers to set the things that you believe in, the things that you strive for or aspire to be.

In our society relationships are thought of as follows, one man one woman (or some mix of the two) but basically two partners and no outsiders. However that is not always the case today more than ever imo there are so many “relationships” with 2nd and 3rd boyfriends and girlfriends, where in number 2 and 3 are well aware of number one but number one is none the wiser. IMPo to each his own. If you want to be with a person who is already with someone else wether knowingly or unbeknownst to you, I shall not judge (mainly because he who is without sin should cast the ONLY stone). In no way am I perfect, and in no way do I believe that these preset gender bias social standards are the standards by which you should live your life. Now in no way am I endorsing being someones mistress. What I am saying is this, in anyting in life do it the way you want to. Be you, do what you do. I am marching to the beat of my own drum, I can’t hear your music sonnn.

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